As a teacher, it is important to keep a close eye on the little kids you’re in charge of. Indeed they need supervision to make sure that they don’t get hurt. It is also important, however, to give the children a space that they can call their own. Sometimes, it is okay to step back and let even very young children take charge.
By helping children establish some form of ownership in their surroundings, they can gain confidence as they grow.
Chairs and tables are a mainstay of kindergarten furniture. Choose small, sturdy chairs that are just the right size for your children — young children feel more at ease and more confident if they are using furniture made especially for them.
If you want, you can have the children decorate their own name tags, which they can attach to their cubbies and chairs. Be sure to instruct them always to find their chairs and to put them away at the end of their activities.
Our tables and chairs are built especially for very young kids; there is no need for them to have to adjust to chairs and tables that are not designed for them. This helps them immediately feel that this is their place and their world, and from there a greater sense of ownership can begin to foster.
By giving even young children a place of their own, you can also teach them the value of responsibility. Put pre-school children in charge of their spaces — they should learn to keep their spaces neat and to take good care of them. It’s never too early to start teaching them the value of being neat and organised, and how being so makes their surroundings so much more pleasant.
Children should be given space to grow. If they have their own space, they are free to explore and play to their heart’s content. Young kids are always trying to understand and find their own place in the world. At Play ‘n’ Learn, we provide resources that are specifically designed for preschoolers so that they can have a world of their own and more readily adapt to further education.
Play ‘n’ Learn is your trusted educational resource supplier. Contact us today to learn more.