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Stuff n Pull Scarf Tote

Ages 9 - 24 months

For ages 4-18 months the Stuff n Pull Scarf Tote is ideal both for independent exploration, or a fun game with an older partner. Pulling the soft, colourful scarves out of the tote is a pleasant sensory experience that allows the young infant to practice sitting up, grasping and pulling. The action of stuffing the scarves inside the tote is a somewhat harder challenge and satisfies many young children’s interest in hiding or covering items (enveloping schema).

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Perpetual Pounder

From 9 months

The Perpetual Pounder is a firm favourite with many children from around 9 months upwards. As they pound the balls down they are fascinated to see a new ball appear at the top. Repetition of the pounding action aids in the development of motor skills and eye-hand coordination as well as the opportunity to recognise colours.


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Lock Box

From 18 Months

The Lock Box is great for 18 months and up and gives an opportunity to take the concept of cause and effect to a new level: not every key will unlock every door! The action of fitting the keys into the keyholes to unlock the respective doors assists in the development of fine motor control and predicting an outcome based on matching shapes.

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The Launcher

Ages 3-4

For ages 3-4 years the Launcher is ideal because it requires a physically more challenging sequence of actions and a great opportunity to practise eye-hand coordination and ball handling skills. 


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