Top 3 reasons why childcare centres struggle for enrolments

Posted by Darren Witty on 12/06/19 9:48 AM

With many families seeking out formal childcare for their children, it may come as a surprise that there are still many centres that struggle with enrolments. If this is you, you are not alone. This article points out the top three reasons why centres struggle to help give you an insight into how you can make some changes.

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Topics: Early Childhood Education Centre, Funding & Budgeting

How to optimise your government funds to keep solid enrolment numbers in your childcare centre

Posted by Hadleigh Witty on 14/03/19 1:39 PM

Running an Early Childhood Education (ECE) Centre is no different from any other business, except that the social outcomes are typically of enormous value. Money comes in, and money goes out. The key is to keep the former higher than the latter. This involves effective cash flow management.

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Topics: Early Childhood Education Centre, Funding & Budgeting

10 things to consider when setting up a new ECE centre

Posted by David Witty on 14/02/17 12:44 PM

Setting up a new early childhood centre can be a daunting task.  We've collated a few of our top resources and tips to help you get started. abc


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Topics: Early Childhood Education Centre, Funding & Budgeting