Autism in children: engaging, settling, and transitions

Posted by Hadleigh Witty on 3/04/23 9:12 PM

Finding out about Autism. We often hear that people with autism are described as being “wired” differently. According to Autism New Zealand’s website, autism is a neuro-developmental condition that affects cognitive, sensory, and social processing. It is helpful to remember that, while there are some common traits that you may notice, every child with ASD is unique and different. 

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Topics: Child Development, Neurodiversity

The Environment as an Activator for Learning - by Nea Elyoussoufi

Posted by Laura Porter on 17/06/22 12:11 PM

The Environment

As an Activator for Learning

The Environment as the Third Educator

The physical learning environment is an important part of pre-school and children’s learning. It is known as the third educator. The concept of “the environment as the third educator“ originates from the Reggio Emilia philosophy and is about the importance of the environment, what is offered and how the material is presented.

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Topics: Teaching Philosophies, Early Childhood Education Centre, Child Development

The Magic of Glow - by Catherine L Clark

Posted by Laura Porter on 17/06/22 11:35 AM


Underpinning, Enhancing and Enriching the Learning

From my experience, early years educators from around the globe are on an eager and constant quest to foster and facilitate exciting learning opportunities and provocations. We are intent on ensuring that the experiences delight, engage, enrich and nurture. It is a pursuit to find the potential for joy, to see the smiles and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder. Part of this mission involves finding resource materials that act as mighty catalysts. Who knows where today’s experience will lead to or how it will influence their future paths and choices? We must not underestimate how wondrous learning experiences may generate mighty memories and may have a deep and lasting impact. How many times have you heard a famous person talking about how a teacher, a lesson or an experience in their education made a profound impact upon them?

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Topics: Teaching Philosophies, Early Childhood Education Centre, Child Development

Developing the Complexity of Learning Resources

Posted by Hadleigh Witty on 4/08/20 12:00 PM

What is ‘Developing the Complexity of Learning Resources’?

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Topics: Teaching Philosophies, Early Childhood Education Centre, Child Development

Can ECE prepare children for careers that don’t exist yet?

Posted by David Witty on 12/08/19 3:38 PM

Many people don't know what they want to do even until near the end of school. Traditionally students don't experience any form of career development until they are in high school when they are choosing exam subjects. However, more recently, there have been moves in some countries to start talking about careers in primary school. Particularly before children become too set on gender stereotypes.

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Topics: Child Development